Program Policies
Readmission Program Policies
- The reentry policy applies to students with Mercy University nursing credits who seek to reenter the Mercy University nursing program.
- The admission policy applies to students dismissed from other nursing programs.
- Reentry or admission is only offered once. If a student is dismissed a second time from the nursing program, they may not reapply.
- Readmission to the nursing program is not guaranteed.
Re-entry Policy: Mercy University students
A student academically dismissed from the nursing program at Mercy University may apply for reentry. The student seeking re-entry must initiate the process within two semesters of leaving the nursing program.
Students must meet all the current admission criteria to be considered for re-entry to the nursing program.
Admission policy: Nursing transfer students
A student dismissed from another nursing program for academic reasons may apply for admission to the nursing program at Mercy University. Applicants must meet the current admission requirements at Mercy University.
Nursing courses must be a grade of C+ or higher to transfer. The program will accept up to 6 credits in transfer for the courses listed below (courses must be taken within the last 5 years).
- Nursing Research
- Informatics
- Health Policy
Students dismissed from another nursing program will need to submit additional information, see below.
Where to apply
Students seeking re-entry will need to apply directly to the nursing program by the School of Nursing email at
Students seeking admission as a nursing transfer student will need to apply to the Office of Admissions.
Admission Requirements
Students seeking reentry or admission as a transfer nursing student must submit additional information.
The applicant must:
- Submit a personal statement addressed to the Readmission Committee requesting re-entry or admission to the nursing program for a specific semester and year. The Readmission committee is composed of nursing faculty, an admissions counselor, and PACT advisor. The personal statement should contain all the following information:
- Detailed explanation of the factors that contributed to the nursing program dismissal.
- Discussion of your academic readiness to resume the nursing program.
- Outline of your plans to achieve academic success.
- Submit two letters of recommendation supporting admission to the program. If the applicant was dismissed from a nursing program that was not Mercy University, one letter of recommendation must be from the program from which you were dismissed. The letter should address the reason for dismissal.
Nursing Course Transfer
Mercy University will accept some nursing course(s) taken at accredited nursing programs and accredited colleges or universities. To evaluate courses, students must submit applicable course syllabi and have a grade of C plus or higher in the transfer course. The School of Nursing will only accept up to six transfer credits for the courses listed below. Courses taken must be within 5 years of starting the program and must be weighted at 3 credits or more.
- Nursing Research
- Informatics
- Health Policy
School of Nursing Withdrawal Policy
Students may withdraw from a Nursing (NURS) course as per the Mercy University Student handbook.
• Students must withdraw during the designated nursing withdrawal period.
• A student may withdraw from a NURS course only once throughout the nursing program.
• Students are required to withdraw from all components associated with a NURS course [i.e., didactic, clinical and/or lab]. The withdrawal from all components associated with an NURS course will be considered a total of one withdrawal.
Professional Licensure
Professional Licensure
To obtain professional licensure, please check with the appropriate licensing body in the state where you intend to practice. For additional information and detailed requirements, please refer to the specific program of interest on the “School Resources” section of the Mercy University NC-Sara webpage.